Please coordinate all displays (gas-powered or electric) with your Security Coordinator.
Listed below are the requirements for display vehicles at ACC/PEC as determined by the City of Austin Fire Marshal’s Office:
- a. Any method for rendering a display vehicle inoperable other than removal of battery cables or ignition fuses needs to be submitted to the Fire Marshal for approval.
- b. A qualified person responsible for disabling the display vehicle will need to be on site during load in and able to demonstrate to the Fire Marshal or ACCD Safety staff that the vehicle starting system has been disabled.
- c. Removal of the key as the only method for disabling the vehicle is NOT an approved method.
- d. Any vehicles that will be connected to an inverter and powered by ACC utility power, will need to be tested AFTER it is connected to ensure that the vehicle will not start or go in to gear on inverter power.
- e. Alternative fuel powered vehicles used for display require a 30-day notice and must be approved by Fire Marshal.